An International Journal

ISSN: 2582-0818

Home 9 Author: M.A. Gopalan
M.A. Gopalan
Open AccessArticle

Special characterizations of rectangles in connection with trimorphic numbers

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2019

, 2 (1)

, 17-23


AbstractThis paper consists of two sections A and B. Section A exhibits rectangles, where, in each rectangle, the area added with its semi-perimeter is a Trimorphic number. Section B presents rectangles, where, in each rectangle, the area minus its semi-perimeter is a Trimorphic number.
Open AccessArticle

Non-homogeneous Quinary Cubic Equation

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2024

, 7 (2)

, 95-99


AbstractThis article is discussed for finding non-zero different solutions in integers to the non-homogeneous cubic equation with five unknowns represented by (x 3 − y ) = (z 3 −w3 )+ 72t 2. Various choices of integer solutions to the above equation are obtained through employing linear transformations and simplification. Some special results based on the solutions are also discussed.